Bugün sayfamıza bir konuğumuz var! Hayata Destek Lojistik Koordinatörü Bilge Öztürk, Suriyeli Yardım projemiz ile ilgili sahadaydı ve izlenimlerini kendi bloğunda kaleme aldı. Hayata Destek'i ve projeyi bir de onun ağzından dinleyip, gözlerinden görelim!
Logistics Coordinator Bilge Öztürk was in the field concerning our project for
helping Syrians and she documented her experiences in her blog. Let’s hear and
see Support to Life and the project from her own mouth and eyes!
Hayata Destek Derneği’nin güzel insanlarına...
losing my mind, I was in a state in which nothing made sense…I wanted to act as
if none of those things have happened; as if there was no war, no displaced people
from their home country, nothing happened to the children, as if what I've seen
was a nightmare, I runaway from there…We were under the same sky, same sun,
same moon…I couldn't run away, when one sees it for once he/she can’t resist, I
wanted to go back. What was I doing here in Istanbul when bad things were happening,
people needed help there?
invited me to Hatay, I don’t really know the organization, the people, I don’t
know what they are doing… But such a trust was formed with the first person I've talked to, I went to Hatay. A living
room of a house was turned into office, people are staying in the rooms of the
house. A room was for me, my proximity to the office was 2 meters…At first I was
surprised, how is it possible, what am I doing here, but I've said to myself
give it 2 days, don’t judge beforehand. Thank God, houses in Hatay are big. We
had an enormous living room and everybody was gathering there and working, we had
times when we done training's there with 20, 30 people. The projects were
written and we were waiting for approval. While we were waiting, we were trying
to find people who we can help. Suddenly I was a member of the team, my it’s so
nice to be a part of a small organization, transforming the impossibilities to
possibilities, pretty much like anyone else that have entered into the
A part of Syrians who fled the war stays in camps and a majority of them stay outside the camp areas… We try to help the Syrians who are staying outside the camps. One of our projects, is the “voucher” project in which we provide food and hygiene aid to beneficiaries, in this project we give vouchers to people who can use them to buy their needs from markets, and we load those vouchers constantly. People can fulfill their basic needs with these vouchers. At least we save some of the families from that burden.
came. We asked her id. Floowing our question she started to cry… Our Arabic speaking
friends asked why she was crying…they said come here, lets sit and talk…a bomb
fall onto her house, her her house burned, along with her id…she says I don’t
have an id…She was crying for her id, what she’s been through, and that she
wouldn’t be able to get voucher…I couln’t handle it, I run away, went to a
toilet and cried, and cried, and cried…
Yazıyı okuduğunuz ve buraya kadar geldiğiniz için teşekkürler. Şimdi hazır buradayken hayata destek olabilirsiniz.