"Bu İş Çocuk Oyuncağı Değil" kampanyamız ve yürüttüğümüz lobi çalışmaları sonucunda mevsimlik tarım işçisi aileler ve çocuklarının sorunlarını masaya yatıracak meclis komisyonu kuruldu!
As a result of our “This Is No Kid’s Toy” campaign and
lobbying, the parliamentary investigation committee to study the problems of
worker families and children has been established!
lobbying, the parliamentary investigation committee to study the problems of
worker families and children has been established!
TBMM’de dün gerçekleşen oylama sonucunda “mevsimlik tarım işçisi aileler ve çocuklarının yaşam şartlarının her yönüyle ele alınacağı Meclis Araştırma Komisyonu’nun kurulması” için verilen önerge kabul edildi. Çalışma süresi 3 ay olarak belirlenen komisyon, toplamda 17 üyeden oluşacak.
After the voting that has been realized in TBMM (Grand
National Assembly of Turkey) yesterday, the
proposal about the “establishment of a parliamentary
investigation committee to deal with the every aspect of life conditions of the
families and children involved in seasonal agricultural work“ has been
accepted. The committee which will work for 3 months consists of 17 members.
National Assembly of Turkey) yesterday, the
proposal about the “establishment of a parliamentary
investigation committee to deal with the every aspect of life conditions of the
families and children involved in seasonal agricultural work“ has been
accepted. The committee which will work for 3 months consists of 17 members.
Bu gelişme ile birlikte özellikle son bir yıldır geniş kamuoyu desteği toplayan Bu İş Çocuk Oyuncağı Değil kampanyasının hedeflerinden birine ulaşmış olduk. Ancak, kampanyamızın nihai amacı, nesillerdir sözleşme ve sigortasız olarak mevsimlik gezici tarımda çalışan işçi aileler ve çocuklarının sorunlarının çözülmesi; göç yolunda yoksulluk çemberine sıkışmış çocukların eğitim alması, oyun oynaması, fiziksel, sosyal ve psikolojik gelişimlerine uygun büyümesi gibi temel haklarına ulaşmaları. Sözün özü çocukluklarını yaşayabilmeleri!
With this event, we have reached one of the goals of our
campaign “This Is No Kid’s Toy” which had attracted a major public support. However the ultimate aim of our campaign is to
ensure that the problems of worker families and children who are working in
seasonal agricultural work for generations without contract and insurance will
be solved, the children who are stuck in the cycle of poverty in migration
routes will access basic rights such as education, play, growing up in an
environment suitable for their physical, social and psychological development.
In short; living their childhood!
campaign “This Is No Kid’s Toy” which had attracted a major public support. However the ultimate aim of our campaign is to
ensure that the problems of worker families and children who are working in
seasonal agricultural work for generations without contract and insurance will
be solved, the children who are stuck in the cycle of poverty in migration
routes will access basic rights such as education, play, growing up in an
environment suitable for their physical, social and psychological development.
In short; living their childhood!
Öte yandan komisyonun görev süresi olarak belirlenen üç ay Aralık, Ocak, Şubat, Türkiye’de mevsimlik tarım işinin en aza indiği, ailelerin göç yolundan memleketlerine dinlenmek için döndükleri zaman. Bu nedenle üç aylık çalışma süresinin en verimli ve çözüm odaklı şekilde kullanılabilmesi için araştırma komisyonu, sivil toplum kuruluşlarının halihazırda elinde bulunan, sahada toplanmış gerçek bilgiler ışığında hazırlanmış raporlarını dikkate almalı .The
three months that have been determined as the study period of the committee
which will begin its work next week; December, January and February is the time
when the seasonal agricultural work is at its minimum and families go back to their
hometown. For that reason, in order for the investigation committee to use this
period efficiently and solution oriented, it needs to take the reports that NGOs
have on hand which have been written in the light of real information gathered
from the field into consideration.
three months that have been determined as the study period of the committee
which will begin its work next week; December, January and February is the time
when the seasonal agricultural work is at its minimum and families go back to their
hometown. For that reason, in order for the investigation committee to use this
period efficiently and solution oriented, it needs to take the reports that NGOs
have on hand which have been written in the light of real information gathered
from the field into consideration.
Hayata Destek Derneği, Şubat 2013-Kasım 2014 döneminde, mevsimlik tarım göçündeki ailelerin gittiği 12 farklı ilde gerçekleştirdiği detaylı araştırmanın raporunu Aralık ayında yayınlayacak. Raporda mevsimlik tarım işçisi ailelerin sosyo-ekonomik durumları, farklı il ve ürünlerdeki çalışma ve barınma şartları, çocuklarının eğitim, sağlık ve diğer temel haklara erişimi konularında detaylı saha bilgileri yer alacak.
In December, Support to Life will publish the report of a
detailed research that have been conducted in 12 different cities which are
destination of seasonal agricultural worker families in the period of February 2013- November 2014.
detailed research that have been conducted in 12 different cities which are
destination of seasonal agricultural worker families in the period of February 2013- November 2014.
Yazıyı okuduğunuz ve buraya kadar geldiğiniz için teşekkürler. Şimdi hazır buradayken hayata destek olabilirsiniz.